Arts & Crafts Fairs, Exhibits, Books & Bug Eyes

December 10, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


I have been away from this site for ages, and though I know better than to say I will write more often, I will at least try to update you now.  I have recently finished exhibiting at the 49th Annual ASUNM Arts and Crafts Fair.  Well, it’s only my fourth time, but, as always I found it a nice chance to talk to  people and get a sense for their interest in photography in general and my work in particular.  I especially enjoy the chance to get out of the School of Architecture and Planning and meet students in other disciplines.

As you are probably aware, the market for fine art prints has taken quite a beating with the economic downturn.  Galleries from here to Santa Fe have been closing, and the ones that remain are having a tough go with prints if they accept them at all.  I have had the distinct  pleasure of exhibiting at The Artistic Image gallery over the past two years, and I hope it will continue as a venue for exhibits.

Artistic Image Venice Jan 2012 Announcement 800px

My most recent exhibit (Dec/Jan 2011-12) was titled Venice: City of Illusions – Polychrome Series II.   It featured some of the work in progress that I included in my book, Polychromes, announced in an earlier posting.  You can read a bit more about the exhibit here.  All of the images  from the exhibit are available through my Etsy shop.

IST-SKG Blurb ebook cover At the end of August, I mounted a rather ambitious exhibition at the University of New Mexico titled Thessaloniki – Istanbul: Four Hundred Years of Interwoven History.  This  photographic essay comprised 365 images with text on 26 panels. It dealt with the way we form mental images of the city and how these inform our understanding of the city.  While it was a rather personal approach, it offered a useful insight into how we create a framework for understanding just about anything.  So now, I am sketching out ideas for a longer publication in which I can develop this model further.

You can learn a bit more about the exhibit by clicking on the exhibit catalog cover.  If you are interested, the catalog can be purchased at  As with all blurb books, the print version is a bit pricey, but the quality is quite fine.  There is also an eBook offered at a very reasonable price.  Both include images of the panels alongside the text, which would otherwise be too small too read.

Forte_M_2011-04-07_DSCF2519 And finally, I need to make time to work on the second book of The Labyrinthine Cycle – my children’s trilogyIn the Craft Fair photo above, you can just make out the first installment, Bug Eyes and the Sacred Scrolls.  It is intended for anyone from precocious nine-year-olds to adults.  It’s not silly, but it is funny.  Although, I suppose, you should really be the judge of that.  You can learn lots more about Bug Eyes and even read a bit of it here.  I’d be happy to know what you think.  Just drop me a line here or through the Bug Eyes web site.  If you feel you just have to have the book right now, visit  It is available in print and Kindle® Edition format.

Let’s see how much of this I can get done in the next 6 months.  I will (try to) keep you posted.


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